Grace Church Music
Music is integral to the worship and community life of Grace Church. Music is not here, but worshiped it empowers the worship experience. While no one can define how music transforms our communal worship life, no one can deny that it happens. Whether it is the quietest chant, or most triumphant anthem, music can do what ordinary words remain
powerless to do:it reaches deep into our soul and moves us.
While we highly value the contribution of the choir’s anthems to our worship, we believe deeply in the power of congregational singing and our choir’s primary responsibility is to lead and inspire congregational song. We use the Hymnal 1982 as our primary musical resource, but on occasion draw from other sources as well, including Wonder, Love and Praise.
The choir sings for the 10:15 am Holy Eucharist most Sundays from the third week in September through Trinity Sunday (late May/early June). The choir also sings on Christmas Eve, and for Easter Day. Additional services may include Lessons and Carols the Sunday before Christmas.
The Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am. Membership is open to all, though sight-reading skills are extremely helpful. If you are interested in singing with the Grace Church Choir, please contact Michelle Waln, Director of Music or 620- 662-8024.